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FY24 Full Year Results

FY24 Annual Report

Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited today announced results for financial year ended 30 June 2024.


  • Net Sales growth of 0.2% to US$1,245.8 million over the prior corresponding period (“pcp”)
  • Adjusted EBITDA1 of US$274.6 million, in line with pcp
  • Adjusted net profit after tax1 of US$146.9 million, down 6% on pcp
  • Cash Flow from Operations up 7% to US$314.2 million, leverage reduced to 1.59 times net debt to EBITDA
  • Cost savings of $23 million for the period, driven by prior period restructuring in the Americas, procurement savings, restructuring in EMEA, and other continuous improvement initiatives
  • Final distribution of US5.0 cents per share, unfranked interim dividend of US2.50 cents per share and on-market share buyback of US$19.6 million

For investor enquiries, please contact:

Phil King
Group Investor Relations Director
Tel: +61 499 986 189

Email: [email protected]

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